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What is Resolution?Resolution is the total number of pixels that could be displayed on an LED display. Video resolution always comes in two numbers – the width and the height. Some of the common resolutions are 1920 x 1080 and 1280 x 720. Full HD resolution has a dimension of 1920 x 1080. The “1920” indicates the width while the “1080” indicates the height. Resolution is directly related to the picture quality. High resolution can deliver sharper and better picture quality. This is because a high-resolution display has more pixels than a low-resolution display within the same screen size. In digital imaging, a pixel is a sample of an image. A digital image is formed by multiple samples. When you have more samples, the image is more defined and thus it will look better.
The brightness for LED display.Determining the right brightness for your application is extremely important. Having a screen that is not bright enough, or too bright, can render your installation useless and ineffective. Here are a few things to consider when designing your LED wall: Indoor Brightness: 1000-1500 nits is enough for most indoor use Outdoor Brightness at close viewing: 2000-3000 nits is usually enough for most situations Outdoor Brightness with direct sun: up to 5,000 + nits should be enough in most situations
What is "viewing angle" for an LED display? How do you measure it?The viewing angle is the maximum angle at which a viewer can still enjoy a viewing experience with acceptable quality. Imagine you are watching a TV and you are sitting right in front of it. Viewing angle is not a big issue here. But what if you are viewing off-center? The screen will look darker and less saturated. It is not displaying picture in its most accurate form anymore. The picture quality is downgraded. LED light patterns are similar to spot lights. The light source is brightest head on but falls away as one moves away from that center axis. A certain point is reached where the light intensity is exactly 50% less than the "on-axis" brightness. Two times that 1/2 brightness angle is the engineering definition for "viewing angle."
Which LED resolution do I choose for my sign?Before determining which size or resolution to purchase, you need to know the differences LED signs can have. Each sign has a different pitch, or pixel pitch, as we like to call it, which is the distance between the center of one LED to the next. The smaller the pixel pitch, the better the resolution will be. The matrix, or dimensions of each sign are also different. The matrix is measured by how many pixels tall to how many wide the sign is.
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